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  • QQ:467631105、184773933
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Supply chain financial services platform
Combined with years of effort to the domestic and foreign various business system integrated payment platform, business platform, data platform, insurance platform and intelligent terminal system, and relying on the four platform and a system lock on the downstream node in the supply chain, to achieve dynamic business data of Internet based financial services. To provide financial control services and customer channels for financial institutions, while helping those who are difficult to obtain loans through the traditional banking system of small and micro businesses to provide financing incentives, as well as tool support and customer diversion.

Urbanization investment and financing platform
As China "new urbanization operator service providers, the company to create new urbanization investment and financing platform for the purpose of the middle bridge of private capital to participate in government projects, providing Internet technology trading service based on government trust assets, asset management to provide quality services for the Internet to participate in local economic construction investment. Through the urbanization investment and financing platform, the company provides a whole set of financial solutions for the construction of smart city, forming a financial service ecosystem.